Every card can be drilled to be used with keyring or small chain. Hole punch does not affect any cards funcionality, but obviously cannot be made on magnetic stripe or chip.
Embossing option uses pressure and heat to print a text row with a metal effect. It is the technique used in credit cards to print numbers, holder datas and expiry date. The font cannot be too small. Embossing cannot be used over chip (external or RFID), because of pressure. It must be done on a below or above row.
Ultra violet coating (or varnish) is an options that apply on printed card to get an extremely reflective and glossy effect. It is used on opaque cards to enhance the bright effect.
Scratch off option allows you to get a scratch off panel on the plastic card, that hides a printed stripe. This stripe usually hides codes or password. The stripe can be scratched out with a coin. This option is very common in phone cards.
The hot stamping printing option allows you to get silver or golden bright figures in the layout. It is not used for the whole card. This effect is perceptible by touch.
The glitter effect is realized with a silk-screen print. It is a very bright effect, very common in bank cards. The glitter effect is available with every graphic design.
Flow pack is a special card packaging. It is used very often to insert something in the pack, as codes, stickers, papers.
Membership cards are often packed in flow pack, to insert barcode stickers. Those stickers are then used in data form to couple form and card.
Our fulfillment service let you get your printed plastic cards affixed on personalized sheets. This service is very frequent when cards are delivered at home or given personally to every holder. On cards and sheets we can print datas from database records.
The signature panel is a special stripe applied on cards to allow hand writing. It is used for signature or to write holder datas with a pen. It is very common in membership cards or bank credit cards.